Do You LOVE Your Outfit?

I have nothing to wear, have you ever said that to yourself?

But we all know you have a closet full of clothes, right?

Maybe the better question to ask yourself, why don’t you LOVE the garment?

One of things I hear from women frequently is; finding clothes that FIT.

Finding clothes that fit your body as it changes with age.

Maybe your weight has fluctuated.

You bought the garment on a whim because you wanted something new, but later realized it was not quite right, and you have never worn it again?

You gave in to the notion that it was an OK fit, and went with it, because you couldn’t find something that felt customized to your body type?

It is baggy in certain areas.

Maybe it’s too short or too long?

You just don’t love it. I hear you.

I believe, nothing is worse than having a wardrobe that doesn’t fit properly.

Every time you put the piece on, you feel just OK vs. the confidence you were craving.

What if…you began asking yourself every time you decided to make a purchase, do I love this?

What if…you began looking at your clothing choices with a more critical eye and asking yourself, does this align with how I want to show up?

What if…you began giving yourself permission to let go of pieces that didn’t empower you to step into your excellence?

Is it time to ‘try on’ the best version of you?

Download my 7 Style Secrets to Get Dressed with Ease and Style!