Have You Lost Your Style Inspiration?

Have you lost your style inspiration?

You probably have great memories of an outfit you loved.

You felt great.

There were always compliments.

There was ease every time you wore it.

It was an outfit you could always count on.

Do you wonder what happened to those moments?

New moments creep in and we don’t even notice.

Maybe you gained a few pounds.

And the outfit didn’t fit as good as it once did.

New trends were out, and you second guess, did the outfit even look good anymore.

Maybe it was those around you. They started dressing more casually and you felt you needed to follow suit.  

You started listening to the world of what you should wear.

The salesperson was your new voice of style. (and she didn’t even know you, but you trusted her)

Maybe you were in a new place. A new job. Working from home now. Had a baby or retired.

It all happens moment by moment. And then one day you look into the mirror and wonder why you feel so frumpy and realize something is definitely “off.”

I came into your path, and you’re thinking YES, I need some style inspiration.

A style philosophy I embrace, “when you honor who you are, you will always feel comfortable in your clothing choices.”

Style begins with the woman, not the clothes.

Your strengths, your values, your uniqueness, your essence.

Begin this moment recognizing the beauty within.

We’ll talk soon.

With your definitive style in mind.

Download my NEW Style Catalog.  Create 14 Polished Outfits with Only 7 Pieces of Clothing, INSTANTLY!
