Closet Magic

A world where every woman embodies her "authentic style" revealing HER beauty and confidence.

Does it resonate for you?

We'll come back to that statement in a minute.

An overall arching theme I've been experiencing in the new 2023, whether it's from online marketing coaches, peers, or pastors...

Who will you BE in the new year.

What is your vision and purpose in 2023 vs. the usual, what are your new year resolutions.

On Sunday, as I was sitting in my comfy chair all snuggled up in a blanket, I decided I would look reflect back on my purpose and really define why I do what I do.

"A world where every woman embodies her "authentic style" revealing HER beauty and confidence."

This is my vision.

It lights me up!

It makes me smile with delight, because I’ve seen it happen in real life over and over.

I've always believed that a beautiful dress has more meaning than just the pretty dress on the hanger.

  1. That beautiful dress gives you more confidence as you walk into a room

  2. That beautiful dress gives you the confidence to use your voice in a room full of strangers

  3. That beautiful dress says who you are without saying a word

So, as we move through 2023 together, you now know my vision and what I stand for.

I want more than anything for you to “see and feel” how beautiful you already are, just waiting for you to reveal it.

As we go into the new year, I will invite you to attend a style masterclass or ask if you'd like to speak off-line with the intention for helping you to embody your "authentic style" as you create your signature wardrobe.

Is this your year to refine your wardrobe or a complete makeover?

"A world where every woman embodies her "authentic style" revealing HER beauty and confidence."

Definitive Style Tips!

Nothing is worse than realizing only 50% of your closet fits you.

Statistics say, “you only wear 20% of your closet”, is that really true?

That means you are not wearing 80% of your closet. YIKES!

Love to know if that rings true for you.

Tip #1 Dress for Your NOW, it makes no difference what the size is!

  1. It may be that you purchase one or two pair of pants that fit you like a glove,

  2. That make you feel like a million bucks.

Tip #2 Take everything out of your closet that doesn’t fit you NOW!

  1. Your closet should feel like your personal boutique, you want to feel excited to visit your closet.

  2. I believe your confidence would skyrocket if you knew everything in your closet fits you now.

  3. It’s time to feel dazzled when you look in the mirror.

  4. To LOVE what you see.

If you haven’t already, I invite you to join the Definitive Style Community.

FREE Get Style Confident Now Style Guide

With Your Definitive Style in Mind, Annette