Are You Using Your Wardrobe as a Confidence Crutch?

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September is here and I have to say I absolutely LOVE the Indian summer were experiencing in Seattle or some call it second summer.

Also, the fall catalogs are coming in the mail, a little smaller than normal.

The stores have opened.

Curious, are you shopping in the mall, boutiques, or online?

Recently, I launched the sign up for the 10 Days FREE Reveal Your Radiance Style Academy. To enroll, I ask two questions to give me a better understanding on what you need help with.

One of the attendees shared...

I'm tired of using my wardrobe as a confidence crutch.

She said, "I want to use my wardrobe to "enhance" my confidence.

That is such a great thought, wouldn't you agree?

I believe whole heartedly, your wardrobe is there to "support" you. To align with your values, essence, what you stand for, brand, lifestyle, body type, and personal coloring and whatever else that might be for you.

As a brand, isn't that what a website is supposed to do?

Or your LinkedIn profile?

Wouldn't it be AMAZING every time you went to your closet and pulled a piece, knowing it had a purpose; to support you in whatever way that is?

Guess what, it is 100% possible. I do it every day.


You must take time out to define what does "support" look like to you in your wardrobe?

Begin the habit of asking yourself, "Does this clothing piece support the wardrobe I'm trying to create to support the various endeavors in my life?"

MORE Inside the Brand. Day 21

"Moving Away From, Moving Towards"

In order to have a wardrobe that is just right for you, you need to know from where you’re starting and to where you’re headed. Think about your style, your closet, getting dressed, and the variety of things you have to choose from. What are the things you are having a difficult time with? These are what you want to move away from. And if those obstacles were gone and your wardrobe worked for you 100%, what would it look like? This is what you want to move toward.

(click on image to view video)