Are You a Savvy 50 Year Old Business Woman Who's Lost Her Style But Doesn't Even Realize It?

Are you a 50+ savvy business woman who is still wearing skirts, jackets and pants from 10 years ago?  

Back in the day you invested in great timeless pieces, great neutral colors, and quality fabrics? Right? I commend you for that.  Unfortunately our so called "timeless" pieces do become dated and we need to replace those basics  every so often. What looked amazing 10 years ago looks old and frumpy in 2013.  It's time to update and look relevant, stylish, and classy at 50 years old.

Tip #1

Wear a slimmer pant or top that works well with your body type.

Tip #2

Update with current colors like Pantone's Vivacious (pink tone), Samba (beautiful red) or Acai (plum shade) for Fall 2013.

Tip #3

The universal skirt length is at the knee - you can go above the knee 1" or below the knee 1" depending on your vertical body type.