What's Your Brand Personality

You’re a simplifier, you love puzzles. You take the pieces of a project that would overwhelm anyone else and expertly create a smooth system.

In 2018 I took a quiz: What was my secret marketing power?

Do you ever learn some really cool, but never use it to its full advantage?

Yesterday I was learning more about brand personality and it occurred to me that I took the time back in 2018 to identify my brand personality, but I didn’t really know what to do with it all.

As I was listening and learning from a Brand Strategist, this week, my mind began to connect all the dots.

Just as I teach about aligning your clothing style with your brand because people make an impression of you in 7 seconds or less.

A Brand personality post is a way for my audience to get to know me better through my posts and not just my clothes.

You’re a simplifier, you love puzzles. You take the pieces of a project that would overwhelm anyone else and expertly create a smooth system.

This is so me. I love ease. Please don’t make it complicated. Which is exactly what I do for my clients in my signature style system.

As a personal style expert, learning how to express your style, let alone what is your style, can feel overwhelming.

For many it feels complicated, hard, and you constantly question yourself.

I’m in love with my style system. Taking women from the Power of You to Revealing Your Radiance in 7-style lessons.

Most recently, I opened the doors to Women of Definitive Style.

It’s a group style experience PLUS one-to-one private style consulting.

I love communities of fabulous women. I love hanging out with them. I love the camaraderie. I love connections and building relationships.

If you love the idea of creating a signature wardrobe that aligns with your brand personality.

Class begins on Tuesday, February 27th, 2024

Register Now: https://www.womenofdefinitivestyle.com/

With Your Definitive Style in Mind! ~ Annette